Wednesday 14 August 2013

Never give up on your dreams..

Hi. So here is my first blog. Even though I don't know much about blogging , i shall give it a shot. After all its about making yourself heard to your own self first by pouring it out here.Coming to the topic very quickly, everybody has heard the above saying:"Never give up on your dreams". I believe in it completely not because i have heard it from people around but because life's experiences have made me believe in it.

I have my family, teachers, and close friends who love me unconditionally. There are wonderful moments that i spend with them which makes my life lively and perfect. You can hold onto them when you need them and everything seems perfect when you get a hug from them.But there are times when you feel nobody apart from yourself is able to understand you and is able to see through your dreams, desires and emotions. I have had such phases in my life and I am experiencing one presently as well. At this juncture we feel, atleast i do, that our emotions and goals are not being taken care of by anyone. The reality is we need not try to explain are dreams to people around or get emotional about it, rather we should hold on to our dreams in our heart and keep slogging for them until our they are achieved. Only thing you can hold on to forever is your dream, it shall never leave your hand only if you don't slip it away.

I am studying for MBA entrance exams for the fall of 2013 and i wish to go to my dream  B School , IIM-A. Few months back, i had quit my job in order to give my best shot for the entrance exams. In the beginning,  I was ambivalent about quiting my job as i wanted a two year work experience, but i still i quit my job and today i can say it was the most appropriate decision. The amount of learning and development that has happened in these few months is tremendous. Since i was not satisfied with the desk job i was being given, i think it was a correct decision to focus on my academics right now rather than run into the rat race, lose my identity and do something unproductive. Period.

I feel i am going too much into details and digressing from the topic. Its amusing how, in the blink of an eye, our dream get deflected to become someone else's dream . Just because a colleague of mine is performing well and receiving laurels for her work doesn't mean i should strive for the same. I should rather focus on my capabilities and work accordingly. When we step out in the world to see people working their ass off, we are stunned and  somewhere deep down we all  feel insecure. That insecurity is a temporary and it is the partial reality of life. I think being there and having felt that, we need to focus on ourselves rather getting swayed with the crowd. Ultimately what matters the most is that you live your life king size rather than just survive. A very famous quote by Steve jobs explains it well:
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

To be candid, i don't know how to close the topic (that's something i have always been bad at) because you can dream forever, and writing a good blog is one of my small little dream. Bliss.
Dream, dance, travel and create your life yourself.

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